Meetings - Incentive
Conferences - Events
Jerome CONFERENCE Services are based upon consiredable experience of Jerome Incoming and extensive knowledge of local and European regions. It utilises the extensive accommodation and conference capacity, logistic and organisational back up of its parent company.

We can organize
- Conferences
- Training courses
- Seminars
- Congreses
- Company presenations
- Social events
- Incentive tourism

Coordination & Financing
- Congress know how
- Complete financial management (planning & cash flow)
- Coordination & planning
- Financing of production arrangemetns, and potentional initial investment
- Event marketing & promotion
- PR services & press conferencies
- Arrangemetns of the most suitable congress rooms

Accommodation, Catering, OnSite Management
- Accommodation / lodging servicies
- Catering – banquets, business lunches, coffee breaks
- On site registration, collecting of fees at the location of event

Transfer and Technical Services
- Complete technical solutions for conferences (audio visual equipment, information and communication systems, large area computer data projections,
- special pyrotechnics and laser effects, wireless translation equipment, requisities, lighting, transparencies, panel informative systems)
- Information systems
- Individual and group transfers & shuttle buses
- Advertisement and promotional items / products
- Floral arrangements
- Photo documentation, video recording

Translation and Interpretation Services
- Simultaneous interpretations
- Translation services
- Services for VIPs
- Hostesses
- Guarding services
- Guide services
- Programs for accompanying persons
- Cultural and sports schedule